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Naskah Video Mengenai Opening,isi Acara, Closing

  1. Naskah Video Mengenai Opening Isi Acara Closing Order
  2. Naskah Video Mengenai Opening Isi Acara Closing Video
  3. Naskah Video Mengenai Opening Isi Acara Closing 2016

NASKAH MC BAHASA INGGRIS. The last agenda as uthe final agenda is closing and prayer. Acara yang etrakhir sekaligus acara akhir adalah penutup dan do’a yang. OPENING MC #TipsMC #1. Naskah / Teks MC Pembawa Acara Setengah Resmi / Video MC Acara Halal Bihalal dan Silahturahmi - Duration. Contoh Opening & Closing MC Seminar - Alan Albana. 99 Contoh Teks Pembawa Acara Dalam Bahasa Inggris Sekolahbahasainggris-Menjadi seorang MC (Master of Ceremony) mensyaratkan kemampuan yang cukup saat membawakan acara baik dari pembukaan, susunan acara, hingga penUtupan acara.

Naskah Video Mengenai Opening Isi Acara Closing Order

Good Morning ladies and gentleman, my name is Indria Lucky. It is a awesome and precious chance for me, to be your Master of Ceremony in this morning on Monday, 30th of March 2015 in our big event: “The aniversary of 22th of Dandelion English Course (DEC)”.First of all, let us say Thanks to Allah SWT, who has been giving us mercy, guidance, happiness, and healthy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles until now. Praise and salutation upon to our prophet, Muhammad SAW, the last messenger, the best figure of this universe.

The person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah Era to Lightening Era.In this lovely moment, I would like to say welcome to Mr. Loading.

Well, to take advantage of the quality of the time, Let’s start this agenda by reciting “Basmalah” together. Then let Mr.Tri cut the anniversary tie, For Mr. Tri time is yours. Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an by student of DEC who will be recited by Annisa Dwi Putri (Time is yours)Thanks to our B Annisa Dwi Putri, Who has recited the Holy Qur’an for us, May Allah SWT Always gives us his Guidance and help. Amen. The fourth agenda is Singing the National Song “Indonesia Raya” who will be led by our student Nur Iswanto. The time is yours.

Naskah Video Mengenai Opening Isi Acara Closing Video


Naskah Video Mengenai Opening Isi Acara Closing 2016

The fifth agenda is Greeting by Mr. Tri as General Manager of Dandelion English Course, and now I would like to invite Mr.Tri. Please welcome.Thank you very much to Mr.